Humane Society
Live Work Play
redifining the rush

Census Data

  • Population: 3,587*
  • 3.6 Sqaure Miles within city limits
  • Geography & Climate

– Mountain foothills and oak woodlands
– Winter: 33 – 65 degrees
– Summer: 52 – 96 degrees
– Rainfall: 30.1 inches annually

  • Sales tax 7.75%, .05% increased approved in 2018
  • Sales Tax to 8.75% in October, 2024 after passage of 1% for fire services in 2024.
  • Transient Occupancy Tax: 12%, increased approved in 2019
  • Property tax per $1000 value $11.00
  • Median home value $440,700
  • Number of Units: 2,086, 73% owner occupied
  • Households: 1,576, Persons Per Household is 2.3, married couples is 63%
  • Median Age: 54.8%
  • Married: 56%


*Demographic Reports | Department of Finance (

Angels, CA – Profile data – Census Reporter