Humane Society
Live Work Play
redifining the rush

Featured Business Program

A unique opportunity to promote your business in the community

How it works:

  • Each month a local business will have an opportunity to present their business at
    a regular meeting of the Angels Camp City Council.
  • The presentation should be between five and ten minutes and include
    the following:
  • Basic facts—name, owners, location, when founded, type of business, number
    of employees
  • Guiding principles/values, business model
  • Market, customer base, products & services, annual sales
  • Business climate
  • Awards and recognition
  • Future plans, retention efforts
  • Time for questions from Council members
  • PowerPoint, photographs and charts, video and handouts can be used
  • The Featured Business will be introduced by a Destination Angels Camp
    board member.
  • The Featured Business will continue to receive coverage each time the Council
    meeting is screened on Community Access Television
  • The Featured Business will be videotaped separately and be featured on the web site.

To participate, contact us!